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Copy blogging done right

Copy blogging done right

The first rule in copy blogging is don’t copy and paste.

The second rule is don’t put out boring content.

Copy blogging can be onerous, especially if you’re not familiar with the content you’re writing about. It takes a lot of research and planning to deliver just enough factual information without putting your readers to sleep. It’s also one of the most effective ways to establish authority over a subject matter, provide useful content, build brand awareness and drive traffic to your website.

The following article is an example of the seamless integration of fact and eloquence to convey a message. The writer – Ziad Baig, has done an exceptional job of just that.

Let me know what you think in the comments below!

The Evolution, The Types & The Inevitable

-Ziad Baig

With over 60% of the world’s population online, it is no surprise that cryptocurrency is gaining steady popularity. Gen Z investors are already betting big on the virtual currency, leaving behind the more conventional forms of investment such as mutual funds, stock options and bonds. But what is cryptocurrency? Let’s dive into what makes it such a monetary sensation.

The Evolution of Cryptocurrency

Necessity is the mother of invention, and there is nothing more crucial to the people of the 21st century than to have access to a currency that provides absolute user-autonomy free of intermediary authorities such as banks and governments.

While, between 1998 to 2009, creating digital currency with encryption-secured ledgers was attempted by the likes of Bit Gold and B-Money, 2009 marked ground-breaking times for peer-to-peer e-cash systems. A supposed individual (rumoured to be a group) by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto released Bitcoin, ensuring public access to an online currency software that would protect against inflation, provide security, and serve monetary control to the people.

Thus, the trend of Bitcoin-mining began; the process of developing new Bitcoin, by solving a computational puzzle, necessary to maintain the ledger of transactions upon which the currency is based. The trend parted at the crossroads of either addressing the software’s shortcoming’s or to accomplish different goals. With time and popularity grew criticism of Bitcoin’s shortcomings as an early adopter, leading to the inception of commercial tangents, such as Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Classic, that manipulated the existing code to rectify scalability issues, and to reduce transaction costs and confirmation times.

2011 marked the launch of the first alternative coins by Litecoin, Namecoin, and SwiftCoin, paving the way for over 1,500 cryptocurrencies; some of the most popular including Dash, Ethereum, Monero, Ripple, and Zcash.

2013 marked the first adoption of ICO (Initial Coin Offering), the fundraising tool for start-ups, by Mastercoin. With launching cryptocurrencies made easier than ever, many others including Ethereum and NEO were initiated through ICO.

The Types 

Any coins that aren’t Bitcoin are classified as altcoins (alternative coins), which make up over 40% of the entire cryptocurrency market. Let’s have a look at the more significant types of altcoins.

Mining-based: Altcoins created by mining, the process of solving a computational puzzle, necessary to maintain the ledger of transactions upon which the currency is based.

Pre-mined: Altcoins distributed before being listed in the market.

Stablecoin: As the name suggests, stablecoins reduce the overall volatility by pegging their value to a basket of goods such as fiat currencies and precious metals.

Security tokens: Security tokens are very much like traditional stocks that promise equity in the form of ownership or a dividend payout.

Utility tokens: Utility tokens are used to provide services, such as making purchases and redeeming rewards, within a network.

The Inevitable

There’s a lot of controversy around the fact that cryptocurrencies aren’t backed by governmental authorities while several countries including Singapore and Ecuador have already created their own cryptocurrencies with the likes of Japan and Russia hoping for the same in the near future. If that isn’t enough to commend the rising popularity of digital currencies, there are currently a rapidly growing number of services and retailers accepting them as either their quickest or sole mode of payment.

It’s crucial to identify the stroke of genius functionality in the midst of the inevitable polarisation that occurs when any big change sweeps the world. What is crypto, if not decentralized, anonymous, and secure? With the digital talent pool becoming rapidly more sophisticated and hungrier for the freedom to operate at full capacity, businesses would be able to fund themselves at an alarming rate. Imagine funding your own business through an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) without having to rack up massive debts owed to banks and investors; being able to have a transparent, reciprocal relationship with your customers, while retaining control over board seats, shares, and stakeholder interests.

Furthermore, cryptocurrencies offer exponentially more lucrative financial opportunities for countries with unstable banking systems. They could potentially be the sole chance countries have to eradicate unemployment and empower low-income households to trade freely. Cryptocurrency lenders and exchanges are already giving way to the financial wave dubbed DeFi (decentralised finance), an umbrella term for blockchain-based applications and protocols aiming to replace traditional financial intermediaries like banks and brokerages.

Regardless of the evidence, the reason for change shouldn’t be FOMO; it should be for the sake of progress. Why do people covet the pieces of green, cotton paper in their wallets? Because over time, people learnt and understood the freedom and pragmatism that money allowed everyone. It’s only a matter of time before, once again, people will adapt to what allows them to innovate and grow as effectively as possible; eventually making cryptocurrency the industry standard in commerce worldwide.

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